Tribute Properties is an apt name for an apartment management company that treats its tenants as if they were their citizen subjects to the empire of corporate hegemony, replete with the signature of modernity and cultish blah that manfiests eventually, if not sooner. At every interaction, it would seem, a Tribute Properties staff member will practically expect you to pay tribute to them in some form or another.
Tribute Properties are in it to win it; feel free to interpret that as liberally as you’d like. This explains why they house so many of their own employees, some of which are actually signed to a dual contingency. At least that’s what one person claims who used to live at a Tribute Properties location while working for them, who was swiftly evicted after he found a better paying job elsewhere.
I mean, if you are CEO Mark Maynard and are lacking the budget to build a property that has sound insulation slightly better than a Southeastern European country in the Balkans for an affordable or budget apartment, then you will prefer to fill those empty units with your staff so you can get both work out of them and tenancy.
Tribute Properties in Wilmington, NC Reviews
And yet, no one at the Tribute Properties office seems to think it’s a problem that the shower knobs and door handles are of the cheapest Chinese wholesale warehouse variety one could find, or that the air conditioner breaks down twice within 6 months of you moving in, or that many of your neighbors cannot behave in a respectful manner towards others, with the least obnoxious of them still flaunting pentagram stickers on their front door. True story.
Tribute Properties acts like there’s nothing they can do about it. As if they can’t write into the rules and regulations that no one would put a sticker on their door of any kind. When I raised the concern that someone was blocking the walkway between the accessible apartment to the accessible walkway to the parking lot, sitting in the walkway and smoking, Carol Greer did not seem to think that was an issue at all, saying, “you know smoking is allowed, right?”
And you might wonder if Tribute Properties considered that housing its staff on site could lead to certain staff feeling like they have special status to be as rude to others as they would like, especially if they’re the security guard and they live right next door. Especially if they’re a man-hating Karen with a Guy Fieri haircut.
You might not want to deal with these ex ponytail police chip on their shoulder man hating attitudes from your neighbors or Tribute Property staff, especially if you’re a hard-working man who just wants to provide for himself and maybe a family someday.
But I’ll never forget the day I got a letter from their lawyers taped to my door warning me not to “verbally accost” the security guard, whatever that means, when she gets up in your face when you’re sitting in your car waiting to go inside the gym as a peaceful and lawful paying tenant. In other words, they think it’s okay for them to talk to you anyway they want to and you can’t respond in kind.
Yes, on the day I received the warning letter from their attorneys, the dumpster was overflowing with garbage. I thought we normally tried to keep trash out of the sewer system.

Who’s Responsible for Tribute Properties’s Questionable Practies
Mark Maynard himself can take the lion’s share of the blame. After all, he’s the CEO and he hires all of the women that he uses as a shield of diversity, equity, and inclusion to gaslight tenants with real concerns and keep everything business as usual.
Ultimately he’s the one who decides if Tribute Properties turns their comment section off on their YouTube videos, while parading their own employees in front of the camera to get some type of public relations and advertising benefit, while denying even their own employees from leaving a comment on a video that used their likeness.
Tribute Properties Apartments in Wilmington, NC
Here are some of the apartments managed by Tribute Properties in Wilmington, NC:
- Arboretum West
- Middle Sound West Apartments
- Arbor Trace
- Meridian Village
- New Providence Park
- Tesla Park Apartments
- The Townhomes at Beau Rivage
There are probably more properties than that, so make sure to check for the name of the parent company before you proceed in making any rental decisions in the near future.
Why does Tribute Properties turn the comments off on their YouTube videos?
That’s some real shady stuff. But then maybe they don’t want any former employees letting the world know that they got kicked out on the street with 10 days notice to make new arrangements for living, just because they chose a different occupation that paid more.
Maybe they don’t want people going on there and talking about how the dumpsters are overfilled regularly with garbage spilling out onto the ground, or the concerns with larger dog breeds attacking their own and harming them, or what about the fact that the gym shuts down for a week just because a storm passed through the area, while your electricity still works?
What about how Diamond Landscaping seems to have employed people who have been in this country less than a few years? Are there not enough homeless people in Wilmington, North Carolina, to fill those manual labor jobs? How much does Tribute Properties make, directly or indirectly, from a partnership with Dogwood Moving Company?
Dogwood Moving employees live at Tribute Properties’ apartments as well, just like Tribute Properties staff. Ryan King, the “CEO” over at Dogwood- is he on Mark Maynard’s speed dial, by any chance?
Common Complaints of Tribute Properties Tenants
The following complaints have shown up across their various properties:
- Overflowing trash bins and dumpsters
- No breed restrictions on dogs for some properties
- Accounting errors resulting from the online system which are incorrectly adjusted manually
- Old buildings, A/C units, thin walls and ceilings/floors
- Roaches
- Flooding
- Communication difficulties with some staff members, and threats from their law firm if you write things in emails they don’t like
- 2 Months Free price promotions, followed by a 30% average per year rent rise in cost after first lease expires
It’s important to remember that these concerns may not reflect everyone’s opinion, but they are the valid concerns of many tenants, which you can Google for yourself and check out when you do your own research.
What is this freak show? These are not serious apartments.
Sure would love to leave a comment on their YouTube channel. Oh, that’s right. Tribute Properties does not believe in freedom of speech. But they DO believe in parading their employees around for the camera.
And let me guess, they didn’t have much say in the matter either. Clearly you are viewed as property at Tribute Properties.
I really despise it when businesses use their staff’s faces to sell a product. Like these people need to be on camera and forego that anonymity just because they want a regular job somewhere? Why not just make your basic product better and stop pretending to be human friendly on YT?
Final Thoughts on Tribute Properties Apartments
My final thoughts about Tribute Properties: they’re not truly accessible or disabled friendly, there seems to be a lot of nepotism within the organization and their own tenants / employees on their sites, and at the end of the day, it’s some Bill Gates doppelganger named Mark Maynard hiding behind a bunch of women who couldn’t care less about solving problems to do his bidding.
Why does Mark Maynard dedicate any amount of time to the philanthropic (feaux-lanthropic?) Hope Gala when his buildings are in such disarray that you can hear your neighbors doing normal life things because the ceilings, walls, and the floors are so thin? Why not put some effort into your non non-profit organization too?
With so many vulnerable workers to choose from as your future tenants, it’s not like you need the average Joe’s business anymore. But the truth is, I think you know it.
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